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Geology of Italy, 2004.
SGI Code | Article |
6812 | CRESCENTI-U., D'OFFIZI-S., MERLINO-S., SACCHI-L. Geology of Italy pp. - [Buy] |
6814 | CASTELLARIN-A. Structural synthesis of the eastern Alps: a collisional orogenic chain pp. 3 - 13 [PDF] [Buy] |
6815 | CERRINA FERONI-A., OTTRIA-G., ELLERO-A. The Northern Apennine, Italy: geological structure and transpressive evolution pp. 15 - 32 [PDF] [Buy] |
6819 | PAROTTO-M., PRATURLON-A. The Southern Apenninic Arc pp. 33 - 58 [PDF] [Buy] |
6821 | CARMIGNANI-L., CONTI-P., CORNAMUSINI-G., MECCHERI-M. The internal Northern Apennines, the northern Tyrrhenian Sea and the sardinia-Corsica block pp. 59 - 77 [PDF] [Buy] |
6825 | BOSELLINI-A. The western passive margin of Adria and its carbonate platforms pp. 79 - 92 [PDF] [Buy] |
6826 | PATACCA-E., SCANDONE-P. The Plio-Pleistocene thrust belt - foredeep system in the Southern Apennines and Sicily (Italy) pp. 93 - 129 [PDF] [Buy] |
6828 | FINETTI-I. Innovative CROP seismic highlights on the Mediterranean region pp. 131 - 140 [PDF] [Buy] |
6831 | CARMINATI-E., DOGLIONI-C., SCROCCA-D. Alps vs Apennines pp. 141 - 151 [PDF] [Buy] |
6834 | BECCALUVA-L., BIANCHINI-G., SIENA-F. Tertiary-Quaternary volcanisms and tectono-magmatic evolution of Italy pp. 153 - 160 [PDF] [Buy] |
6842 | BOSI-C. Quaternary pp. 161 - 188 [PDF] [Buy] |
6843 | CASERO-P. Structural setting of petroleum exploration plays in Italy pp. 189 - 199 [PDF] [Buy] Attached Maps
6844 | AMATO-A. Crusts and deep seismicity in Italy: a review pp. 201 - 208 [PDF] [Buy] |
6845 | TAVARNELLI-E., BUTLER-R.W.H., DECANDIA-F.A., CALAMITA-F., GRASSO-M., ALVAREZ-W., RENDA-P. Implications of fault reactivation and structural inheritance in the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of Italy pp. 209 - 222 [PDF] [Buy] |
6850 | D'OFFIZI-S. Geology can solve the main problem humanity has to face with: how to access clean and reneable energy for all pp. 223 - 232 [PDF] [Buy] |