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Nome Rivista : Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy
Nazione : Russia
Città : Mosca

Fascicoli presenti

Cod.SGI Volume/Fascicolo
1893Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1930, vol. 423
1892Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1929, vol. 281
1891Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1928, vol. 248
1890Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1928, vol. 237
1889Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1928, vol. 229
1888Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1928, vol. 228
1887Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1927, vol. 219
1886Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1927, vol. 204
1885Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1927, vol. 184
1884Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1926, vol. 168
1883Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1926, vol. 167
1882Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1926, vol. 142
1881Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1926, vol. 139
1880Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1926, vol. 138
1879Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1926, vol. 132
1878Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1926, vol. 125
1868Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1926, vol. 124
1870Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1926, vol. 121
1869Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1926, vol. 120
1873Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1925, vol. 77
1871Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1925, vol. 73
1872Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1925, vol. 66
1877Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1924, vol. 61
1874Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1924, vol. 49
1875Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1924, vol. 41
1876Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1924, vol. 36
1865Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1923, vol. 5
1864Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1923, vol. 4
1867Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1923, vol. 25
1866Transaction of the Institute of Economic Mineralogy, 1923, vol. 15