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Deep Structure of the Alps, 1990.
Cod.SGI | Articolo |
13589 | ROURE-F., HEITZMANN-P., POLINO-R. Deep Structure of the Alps pp. - [Acquista] Cartografie Allegate |
31796 | VIALON-P. Deep Alpine structures and geodynamic evolution: an introduction and outline of a new interpretation pp. 7 - 14 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31826 | NICOLAS-A., POLINO-R., HIRN-A., NICOLICH-R., ECORS-CROP WORKING GROUP-.. ECORS-CROP traverse and deep structure of the western Alps: a synthesis pp. 15 - 27 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31828 | FREI-W., HEITZMANN-P., LEHNER-B.L. Swiss NFP-20 research program of the deep sstructure of the Alps pp. 29 - 46 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31829 | DU BOIS-L., LEVATO-L., BESNARD-J., MARCHANT-R., OLIVIER-R., OUWEHAND-M., SELLAMI-S., WAGNER-J.J. Aspects particuliers du traitement sismique des profils alpins suisses du PNR-20 pp. 47 - 54 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31830 | VALASEK-P., FREI-W., STAUBLE-M., HOLLIGER-K. Processing of the NFP-20 seismic reflection traverses across the Swiss Alps by the ETH-Zurich data processing center pp. 55 - 64 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31831 | DAMOTTE-B., NICOLICH-R., CAZES-M., GUELFI-F., GUELLEC-S. Mise en oeuvre, traitement et prèsentation du profil plaine du Po-Massif central pp. 65 - 76 [PDF] [Acquista] Cartografie Allegate |
31832 | SELLAMI-S., BARBLAN-F., MAYERAT-A., PFIFFNER-O.A., RISNES-K., WAGNER-J.J. Compressional wave velocities of samples from the NFP-20 East seismic reflection profile pp. 77 - 84 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31833 | MAINPRICE-D., CASEY-M., SCHMID-S.M. The seismic properties of Alpine calcite and quartz mylonites determined from the orientation distribution function pp. 85 - 95 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31834 | THOUVENOT-F., PAUL-A., SENECHAL-G., HIRN-A., NICOLICH-R. ECORS-CROP wide-angle reflection seismics: constraints on deep interfaces beneath the Alps pp. 97 - 106 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31835 | REY-D., QUARTA-T., MOUGE-P., MILETTO-M., LANZA-R., GALDEANO-A., CARROZZO-M.T., BAYER-R., ARMANDO-E. Gravity and aeromagnetic maps of the western Alps: contribution to the knowledge of the deep structures along the ECORS-CROP seismic profile pp. 107 - 121 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31836 | HEINZ-H., SEIBERL-W. Magnetic structures of the eastern Alps of the Tauern window pp. 123 - 128 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31837 | PAVONI-N., ROTH-P. Seismicity and seismotectonics of the Swiss Alps. Results of microearthquake investigations 1983-1988 pp. 129 - 134 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31838 | PASQUALE-V., VERDOYA-M. Geothermal regime of the Po basin, Italy pp. 135 - 143 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31839 | BERGERAT-F., MUGNIER-J.L., GUELLEC-S., TRUFFERT-C., CAZES-M., DAMOTTE-B., ROURE-F. Extensional tectonics and subsidence of the Bresse basin: an interpretation from ECORS data pp. 145 - 156 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31840 | TRUFFERT-C., BURG-J., CAZES-M., BAYER-R., DAMOTTE-B., REY-D. Structures crustales sous le Jura et la Bresse: contraintes sismiques et gravimétriques le long des profils ECORS Bresse-Jura et Alpes II pp. 157 - 164 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31841 | GUELLEC-S., MUGNIER-J., TARDY-M., ROURE-F. Neogene evolution of the western Alpine foreland in the light of ECORS data and balanced cross-section pp. 165 - 184 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31842 | CHAROLLAIS-J., JAMET-M. Principaux résultats géologiques du forage Brizon 1 (BZN1) Haute-Savoie, France pp. 185 - 202 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31843 | MUGNIER-J., GUELLEC-S., MENARD-G., ROURE-F., TARDY-M., VIALON-P. A crustal scale balanced cross-section through the external alps deduced from the ECORS profile pp. 203 - 216 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31844 | TARDY-M., DEVILLE-E., FUDRAL-S., GUELLEC-S., MENARD-G., THOUVENOT-F., VIALON-P. Interprétation structurale des données du profil de sismique réflexion profonde ECORS-CROP Alpes entre le front Pennique et la ligne du Canavese (Alpes occidentales) pp. 217 - 226 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31846 | BALLEVRE-M., LAGABRIELLE-Y., MERLE-O. Tertiary ductile normal faulting as a consequence of lithospheric stacking in the western Alps pp. 227 - 236 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31854 | BLAKE M.C.-J., JAYKO-A.S. Uplift of very high pressure rocks in the western Alps: evidence for structural attenuation along low-angle faults pp. 237 - 246 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31855 | PFIFFNER-O.A., KLAPER-E.M., MAYERAT-A., HEITZMANN-P. Structure of the basement-cover contact in the Swiss Alps pp. 247 - 262 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31856 | SCHMID-S.M., RUCK-P., SCHREURS-G. The significance of the Schams nappes for the recostruction of the paleotectonic and orogenic evolution of the Penninic zone along the NFP-20 East traverse (Grisons, eastern Switzerland) pp. 263 - 287 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31857 | BERNOULLI-D., HEITZMANN-P., ZINGG-A. Central and southern Alps in southern Switzerland: tectonic evolution and first results of reflection seismics pp. 289 - 302 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31858 | BERTOTTI-G. The deep structure of the Monte Generoso basin: an extensional basin in the south-Alpine Mesozoic passive continental margin pp. 303 - 308 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31859 | ROURE-F., POLINO-R., NICOLICH-R. Early Neogene deformation beneath the Po plain: constraints on the post-collisional Alpine evolution pp. 309 - 322 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31860 | PICCARDO-G.B., RAMPONE-E., VANNUCCI-R. Upper mantle evolution during continental rifting and ocean formation: evidences from peridotite bodies of the western Alpine-northern Apennine system pp. 323 - 333 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31861 | LAUBSCHER-H.P. Deep seismic data from the central Alps: mass distributions and their kinematics pp. 335 - 343 [PDF] [Acquista] |
31862 | POLINO-R., DAL PIAZ-G.V., GOSSO-G. Tectonic erosion at the Adria margin and accretionary processes for the Cretaceous orogeny of the Alps pp. 345 - 367 [PDF] [Acquista] |